RhinoBiotech.com Basic Service
The RhinoBiotech.com website basic service is free, as is the Rhino Biotech platform.
However, we expect you to responsibly manage content and adhere to hostupon.com (our Hosting Partner) Terms of Service. In particular, ensure that none of the prohibited items (like spam, viruses, or serious threats of violence) appear on our website.
RhinoBiotech.com Acceptable Use Policy
RhinoBiotech.com is a place that brings together the developers and users of the Rhino Biotech platform to discuss and explore advancements in biotechnology and its applications. We provide this space for meaningful discussion relevant and beneficial to all users. With that in mind, we invite users to participate in these community forums in a way that is respectful and constructive.
The following rules help everyone on RhinoBiotech.com have a safe and productive experience:
Be Nice, Be Respectful
Engage with others constructively. Assume that everyone on the Rhino Biotech platform is here to make it a great resource. The users come from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and opinions. It’s okay to disagree, but please be civil, respectful, and considerate to other members, including all members of the Rhino Biotech team.
No Hate Speech
Rhino Biotech is a place for discussion around the platform and related biotechnology topics. We do not tolerate content that attacks or disparages individuals or groups based on race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, political group, sexual orientation, or similar characteristics.
No Harassment and Bullying
Abusive behavior directed toward private individuals or organizations is not allowed. This includes Rhino Biotech employees and the company itself. Repeated and unwanted contact constitutes a form of harassment.
Be Positive and Purposeful in Your Communications
Ask meaningful questions and provide answers that add value. Avoid sarcasm or misleading information, keeping in mind that many platform users may have English as a second language.
Prohibited Usage
Websites using the Rhino Biotech platform for the following activities will be disconnected from updates and support services:
- Spam and unsolicited bulk email.
- Unauthorized access to other networks or systems.
- Illegal or harmful activities, including phishing, fraud, or promoting violence.
- Content harmful to minors.
- Communities promoting hate or discrimination.
Unsupported Usage
Activities involving adult content, potentially illegal gatherings, or radical political/religious actions may receive limited support but remain under review to ensure compliance with our standards.
Endorsed Usage
Rhino Biotech prioritizes supporting projects focused on educational, inspirational, and philanthropic goals.
By using the Rhino Biotech Market ("Market"), you agree to its specific terms, including your responsibilities as a buyer or seller. Disputes between parties remain outside of Rhino Biotech's direct involvement.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Our services are provided “as is.” Rhino Biotech and its suppliers disclaim all warranties of any kind, including merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Access to services is at your discretion and risk.